Used within a cfgrid tag. Updates data sources directly from edited grid data. This tag provides a direct interface with your data source.
This tag applies delete
row actions first, then insert
row actions, then update
row actions. If it encounters an error, it stops processing rows.
<cfgridupdate grid = "gridname" dataSource = "data source name" tableName = "table name" username = "data source username" password = "data source password" tableOwner = "table owner" tableQualifier = "qualifier" keyOnly = "Yes" or "No">
cfform, cfgrid tags,
New in ColdFusion MX: The connectString
, dbName
, dbServer
, dbtype, provider
and providerDSN
attributes are deprecated. Do not use them. They do not work, and might cause an error, in releases later than ColdFusion 5.
<!--- This example shows the cfgridupdate tag---> ... <!--- If the gridEntered form field has been tripped, perform the gridupdate on the table specified in the database. Using the default value keyonly = yes lets us change only the information that differs from the previous grid ---> <cfif IsDefined("form.gridEntered") is True> <cfgridupdate grid = "FirstGrid" dataSource = "cfsnippets" tableName = "CourseList" keyOnly = "Yes"> </cfif> ...