An index loop repeats for a number of times that is determined by a numeric value. An index loop is also known as a FOR loop.
<cfloop index = "parameter_name" from = "beginning_value" to = "ending_value" step = "increment"> ... HTML or CFML code ... </cfloop>
Using anything other than integer values in the from
and to
attributes of an index loop can product unexpected results. For example, if you increment through an index loop from 1 to 2, with a step of 0.1, ColdFusion outputs "1,1.1,1.2,...,1.9", but not "2". This is a programming language problem regarding the internal representation of floating point numbers.
Note: The to
value is evaluated once, when the cfloop
tag is encountered. Any change to this value within the loop block, or within the expression that evaluates to this value, does not affect the number of times the loop is executed.
In this example, the code loops five times, displaying the index
value each time:
<cfloop index = "LoopCount" from = "1" to = "5">
The loop index is <cfoutput>#LoopCount#</cfoutput>.<br> </cfloop>
The output of this loop is as follows:
The loop index is 1. The loop index is 2. The loop index is 3. The loop index is 4. The loop index is 5.
In this example, the code loops four times, displaying the index
value each time. The value of j
is decreased by one for each iteration. This does not affect the value of to
, because it is a copy of j
that is made before entering the loop.
<cfset j = 4>
<cfloop index = "LoopCount" from = "1" to = #j#> <cfoutput>The loop index is #LoopCount#</cfoutput>.<br> <cfset j = j - 1> </cfloop>
The output of this loop is as follows:
The loop index is 1. The loop index is 2. The loop index is 3. The loop index is 4.
As before, the value of j
is decremented by one for each iteration, but this does not affect the value of to
, because its value is a copy of j
that is made before the loop is entered.
In this example, step
has the default value, 1. The code decrements the index:
<cfloop index = "LoopCount"
from = "5" to = "1" step = "-1"> The loop index is <cfoutput>#LoopCount#</cfoutput>.<br> </cfloop>
The output of this loop is as follows:
The loop index is 5. The loop index is 4. The loop index is 3. The loop index is 2. The loop index is 1.