Provides a programmatic interface to the ColdFusion scheduling engine. You can run a page at scheduled intervals, with the option to write out static HTML pages. This lets users access pages that publish data, such as reports, without waiting while a database transaction is performed to populate the page.
You register ColdFusion scheduled events in the ColdFusion Administrator. You can disable cfschedule
execution in the Administrator.
Information that the user supplies includes the scheduled ColdFusion page to execute, the time and frequency of execution, and whether to publish the task output. If the output is published, a path and file are specified.
The event submission and its success or failure status is written to the \cfusion\log\schedule.log file.
<cfschedule action = "update" task = "taskname" operation = "HTTPRequest" file = "filename" path = "path_to_file" startDate = "date" startTime = "time" url = "URL" publish = "Yes" or "No" endDate = "date" endTime = "time" interval = "seconds" requestTimeOut = "seconds" username = "username" password = "password" resolveURL = "Yes" or "No" proxyServer = "hostname" port = "port_number" proxyPort = "port_number"> <cfschedule action = "delete" task = "TaskName"> <cfschedule action = "run" task = "TaskName">
You cannot use cfschedule
and apply Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to an application.
<h3>cfschedule Example</h3> <p>cfschedule provides a programmatic interface to the ColdFusion scheduling engine. You can run a specified page at scheduled intervals with the option to write out static HTML pages. This lets you offer users access to pages that publish data, such as reports, without forcing users to wait while a database transaction is performed to populate the data on the page. <p>View-only-example</p> <cfschedule action = "update" task = "TaskName" operation = "HTTPRequest" url = "" startDate = "8/7/98" startTime = "12:25 PM" interval = "3600" resolveURL = "Yes" publish = "Yes" file = "sample.html" path = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\playpen" requestTimeOut = "600">