Gets local time zone information for the computer on which it is called, relative to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). UTC is the mean solar time of the meridian of Greenwich, England, used as the basis for calculating standard time throughout the world.
ColdFusion stores date and time values as date-time objects: real numbers on a universal time line. It converts an object to a time zone when it formats an object; it converts a date/time value from a time zone to a real number when it parses a value.
Structure that contains these elements and keys:
Date and time functions, International functions
<h3>GetTimeZoneInfo Example</h3> <!--- This example shows the use of GetTimeZoneInfo ---> <cfoutput> The local date and time are #now()#. </cfoutput> <cfset info = GetTimeZoneInfo()> <cfoutput> <p>Total offset in seconds is #info.utcTotalOffset#.</p> <p>Offset in hours is #info.utcHourOffset#.</p> <p>Offset in minutes minus the offset in hours is #info.utcMinuteOffset#.</p> <p>Is Daylight Savings Time in effect? #info.isDSTOn#.</p> </cfoutput>