Replaces special characters in a string with their HTML-escaped equivalents and inserts <pre>
and </pre>
tags at the beginning and end of the string.
HTML-escaped string string, enclosed in <pre>
and </pre>
tags. Returns are removed from string. Special characters (> < " &
) are escaped.
Display and formatting functions
HTMLCodeFormat(string [, version ])
Parameter | Description |
string |
A string or a variable that contains one. |
version |
HTML version to use:
<!--- Shows the use of HTMLCodeFormat and HTMLEditFormat ---> <h3>HTMLCodeFormat Example</h3> <form action = "HTMLcodeformat.cfm"> Try entering a URL for the tag to return in HTMLCodeFormat and HTMLEditFormat: <input type = "Text" size = 25 name = "urladdress" value = ""> <input type = "Submit" name = "" value = "get page"> </form> <!--- sets a default value for a url to retrieve ---> <cfparam name = "urladdress" default = "http://localhost/cfdocs/index.htm"> <!--- if we passed a url address in FORM, we display it ---> <cfif IsDefined("FORM.urladdress") is True> <!--- do simple error check to avoid crashing the tag ---> <cfif Trim(Form.urladdress) is "" or Trim(Form.urladdress) is "http://"> <!--- if error condition tripped, set alternative ---> <cfset urlAddress = "http://localhost/cfdocs/index.htm"> <h4>because you entered no url or an empty string, the tag will return this address: http://localhost/cfdocs/index.htm</h4> <cfelse> <!--- otherwise use address passed from form ---> <cfset urlAddress = FORM.urladdress> </cfif> <!--- use the CFHTTP tag to get the file content represented by urladdress ---> <CFHTTP URL = "#urladdress#" method = "GET" RESOLVEURL = YES> </CFHTTP> <cfelse> <!--- the first time through, retrieve a URL that we know exists ---> <CFHTTP URL = "http://localhost/cfdocs/index.htm" method = "GET" RESOLVEURL = YES> </CFHTTP> </cfif> <!--- Now, output the file, including the mimetype and content ---> <h3>Show the file</h3> <cfoutput> <p>Here is an example of 255 characters from your file output in HTMLCodeFormat: <p>#HTMLCodeFormat(Mid(CFHTTP.FileContent,1,255))# <p>Here is an example of 255 characters from your file output in HTMLEditFormat: <p>#HTMLEditFormat(Mid(CFHTTP.FileContent,1,255))# </cfoutput>