CreateTime(hour, minute, second)
Parameter | Description |
hour |
Number in the range 0-23 |
minute |
Number in the range 0-59 |
second |
Number in the range 0-59 |
is a subset of CreateDateTime.
A time variable is a special case of a date/time variable. The date part of a time variable is set to December 30, 1899.
<h3>CreateTime Example</h3> <cfif IsDefined("FORM.hour")> Your time value, presented using CreateTime time function: <cfset yourTime = CreateTime(FORM.hour, FORM.minute, FORM.second)> <cfoutput><ul> <li>Formatted with timeFormat: #TimeFormat(yourTime)# <li>Formatted with timeFormat and hh:mm:ss: #TimeFormat(yourTime, 'hh:mm:ss')# </ul></cfoutput> </cfif> <CFFORM action="createtime.cfm" METHOD="post"> <PRE>Hour <CFINPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="hour" VALUE="16" RANGE="0,23" MESSAGE="You must enter an hour (0-23)" VALIDATE="integer" REQUIRED="Yes"> Minute <CFINPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="minute" VALUE="12" RANGE="0,59" MESSAGE="You must enter a minute value (0-59)" VALIDATE="integer" REQUIRED="Yes"> Second <CFINPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="second" VALUE="0" RANGE="0,59" MESSAGE="You must enter a value for seconds (0-59)" VALIDATE="integer" REQUIRED="Yes"> </PRE> <p><INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME=""> <INPUT TYPE="RESET"> </cfform>