Performs a full date/time comparison of two dates.
DateCompare("date1", "date2" [, "datePart"])
Parameter | Description |
date1 |
Date/time object, in the range 100 AD-9999 AD. See "How ColdFusion processes two-digit year values". |
date2 |
Date/time object, in the range 100 AD-9999 AD. See "How ColdFusion processes two-digit year values". |
datePart |
Optional. String. Precision of the comparison.
When passing a date/time object as a string, you must enclose it in quotation marks. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a numeric representation of a date/time object.
<h3>DateCompare Example</h3> <p>The datecompare function compares two date/time values. <cfif IsDefined("FORM.date1")> <cfif IsDate(FORM.date1) and IsDate(FORM.date2)> <cfset comparison = DateCompare(FORM.date1, FORM.date2, FORM.precision)> <!--- switch on the variable to give various responses ---> <cfswitch expression = #comparison#> <cfcase value = "-1"> <h3><cfoutput>#DateFormat(FORM.date1)# #TimeFormat(FORM.date1)#</cfoutput> (Date 1) is earlier than <cfoutput>#DateFormat(FORM.date2)# #TimeFormat(FORM.date2)#</cfoutput> (Date 2)</h3> <I>The dates are not equal</I> </cfcase> <cfcase value = "0"> <h3><cfoutput>#DateFormat(FORM.date1)# #TimeFormat(FORM.date1)#</cfoutput> (Date 1) is equal to <cfoutput>#DateFormat(FORM.date2)# #TimeFormat(FORM.date2)#</cfoutput> (Date 2)</h3> <I>The dates are equal!</I> </cfcase> <cfcase value = "1"> <h3><cfoutput>#DateFormat(FORM.date1)# #TimeFormat(FORM.date1)#</cfoutput> (Date 1) is later than <cfoutput>#DateFormat(FORM.date2)# #TimeFormat(FORM.date2)#</cfoutput> (Date 2)</h3> <I>The dates are not equal</I> </cfcase> <CFDEFAULTCASE> <h3>This is the default case</h3> </CFDEFAULTCASE> </cfswitch> <cfelse> <h3>Enter two valid date values</h3> </cfif> </cfif> <form action = "datecompare.cfm"> <hr size = "2" color = "#0000A0"> <p>Date 1 <br><input type = "Text" name = "date1" value = "<cfoutput>#DateFormat(Now())# #TimeFormat(Now())# </cfoutput>"> <p>Date 2 <br><input type = "Text" name = "date2" value = "<cfoutput>#DateFormat(Now())# #TimeFormat(Now())# </cfoutput>"> <p>Specify precision to the: <br><select name = "precision"> <option value = "s"> Second </option> <option value = "n"> Minute </option> <option value = "h"> Hour </option> <option value = "d"> Day </option> <option value = "m"> Month </option> <option value = "yyyy"> Year </option> </select> <p><input type = "Submit" value = "Compare these dates" name = ""> <input type = "reset"> </form>