True, on successful execution; if the structure does not exist, ColdFusion throws an error.
StructUpdate(structure, key, value)
New in ColdFusion MX: this function can be used on XML objects.
Parameter | Description |
structure |
Structure to update |
key |
Key, the value of which to update |
value |
New value |
<!--- This example shows the use of StructUpdate. ---> <p>This file is similar to addemployee.cfm, which is called by StructNew, StructClear, and StructDelete. To test this file, copy the <CFELSEIF> statement to the appropriate place in addemployee.cfm. It is an example of a custom tag used to add employees. Employee information is passed through the employee structure (the EMPINFO attribute). In UNIX, you must also add the Emp_ID. <cfswitch expression = "#ThisTag.ExecutionMode#"> <cfcase value = "start"> <cfif StructIsEmpty(attributes.EMPINFO)> <cfoutput>Error. No employee data was passed.</cfoutput> <cfexit method = "ExitTag"> <cfelseIf StructFind(attributes.EMPINFO, "department") EQ ""> <cfscript> StructUpdate(attributes.EMPINFO, "department", "Unassigned"); </cfscript> <cfexit method = "ExitTag"> <cfelse>