Inserts a string at the beginning and end of list elements.
A copy of the list, with qualifier before and after the specified element(s).
ListQualify(list, qualifier [, delimiters ] [, elements ])
New in ColdFusion MX: As the elements
parameter value, you must specify "all"
or "char"
; otherwise, ColdFusion throws an exception. (In earlier releases, the function ignored an invalid value, and used "all"
; this was inconsistent with other functions.)
The new list might not preserve all of the delimiters in the list.
ColdFusion ignores empty list elements; thus, the list "a,b,c,,,d" has four elements.
<cfquery name = "GetEmployeeNames" datasource = "cfsnippets"> SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees </cfquery> <h3>ListQualify Example</h3> <p>This example uses ListQualify to put the full names of the employees in the query within quotation marks.</p> <cfset myArray = ArrayNew(1)> <!--- loop through query; append these names successively to the last element ---> <cfloop query = "GetEmployeeNames"> <cfset temp = ArrayAppend(myArray, "#FirstName# #LastName#")> </cfloop> <!--- sort that array descending alphabetically ---> <cfset myAlphaArray = ArraySort(myArray, "textnocase")> <!--- show the resulting array as a list ---> <cfset myList = ArrayToList(myArray, ",")> <cfoutput> <p>The contents of the unqualified list are as follows: </p> #myList# </cfoutput> <!--- show the resulting alphabetized array as a qualified list with single quotes around each full name. ---> <cfset qualifiedList1 = ListQualify(myList,"'",",","CHAR")> <!--- output the array as a list ---> <cfoutput> <p>The contents of the qualified list are as follows: </p> <p>#qualifiedList1#</p> </cfoutput> <!--- show the resulting alphabetized array as a qualified list with quotation marks around each full name. We use " to denote quotation marks because the quotation mark character is a control character. ---> <cfset qualifiedList2 = ListQualify(myList,""",",","CHAR")> <!--- output the array as a list ---> <cfoutput> <p>The contents of the second qualified list are: </p> <p>#qualifiedList2#</p> </cfoutput>