Calculates the natural logarithm of a number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904).
The natural logarithm of a number.
Parameter | Description |
number |
Positive real number for which to calculate the natural logarithm |
<h3>Log Example</h3> <cfif IsDefined("FORM.number")> <cfoutput> <p>Your number, #FORM.number# <br>#FORM.number# raised to the E power: #exp(FORM.number)# <cfif FORM.number LTE 0><br>Enter a positive real number to get its natural logarithm <cfelse><br>The natural logarithm of #FORM.number#: #log(FORM.number)# </cfif> <cfif FORM.number LTE 0><br>Enter a positive real number to get its logarithm to base 10 <cfelse><br>The logarithm of #FORM.number# to base 10: #log10(FORM.number)# </cfif> </cfoutput> </cfif> <cfform action = "log.cfm"> Enter a number to see its value raised to the E power, its natural logarithm, and the logarithm of number to base 10. <cfinput type = "Text" name = "number" message = "You must enter a number" validate = "float" required = "No"> <input type = "Submit" name = ""> </cfform>