Extracts a substring from a string.
A string; the set of characters from string, beginning at start, of length count.
Mid(string, start, count)
<h3>Mid Example</h3> <cfif IsDefined("Form.MyText")> <!--- if len is 0, then err ---> <cfif Len(FORM.myText) is not 0> <cfif Len(FORM.myText) LTE FORM.RemoveChars> <p>Your string <cfoutput>#FORM.myText#</cFOUTPUT> only has <cfoutput>#Len(FORM.myText)#</cfoutput> characters. You cannot output the <cfoutput>#FORM.removeChars# </cfoutput> middle characters of this string because it is not long enough <cfelse> <p>Your original string: <cfoutput>#FORM.myText#</cfoutput> <p>Your changed string, showing only the <cfoutput>#FORM.removeChars# </cfoutput> middle characters: <cfoutput>#Mid(Form.myText, FORM.removeChars, Form.countChars)#</cfoutput> </cfif>