Gets the values of each record returned from an executed query. ColdFusion does not evaluate the arguments.
A delimited list of the values of each record returned from an executed query. Each value is enclosed in single quotation marks.
QuotedValueList(query.column [, delimiter ])
<h3>QuotedValueList Example</h3> <!--- use the contents of one query to create another dynamically ---> <cfset List = "'BIOL', 'CHEM'"> <!--- first, get the department IDs in our list ---> <cfquery name = "GetDepartments" datasource = "cfsnippets"> SELECT Dept_ID FROM Departments WHERE Dept_ID IN (#PreserveSingleQuotes(List)#) </cfquery> <!--- now, select the courses for that department based on the quotedValueList produced from our previous query ---> <cfquery name = "GetCourseList" datasource = "cfsnippets"> SELECT * FROM CourseList WHERE Dept_ID IN (#QuotedValueList(GetDepartments.Dept_ID)#) </cfquery> <!--- now, output the results ---> <cfoutput QUERY = "GetCourseList" > <pre>#Course_ID# #Dept_ID# #CorNumber# #CorName#</pre> </cfoutput>