Logging options

The following sections describe the Verity Spider logging options.


Syntax: -loglevel [nostdout] argument

Specifies the types of messages to log. By default, messages are written to standard output and to various log files in the subdirectory named /log beneath the Verity Spider job directory. If you add nostdout to the -loglevel option, messages are not written to standard output. Log files, however, are still created.

The following table describes valid message types:
Message type
Licensing information written to info.log. Included with all arguments.
Warning messages written to warning.log. Included with all arguments.
Error messages written to error.log. Included with all arguments.
Messages regarding keys that could not be indexed due to invalid documents, written to badkey.log. Included with all arguments.
Current state of a document key written to progress.log. Note that a key with a progress of "inserting" might be a badkey and therefore skipped, rather than an indexed key. Included with all arguments.
Inserted, indexed, and ignored messages written to summary.log. Included with all arguments except skip.
Skipped documents, with explanation, written to skip.log. Included with all arguments, except summary.
Internal Verity Spider processing messages, such as enqueued, written to debug.log. Included with both debug and trace arguments.
Internal Verity Spider processing messages written to debug.log. Included only with the trace argument.

Choose one of the following arguments to determine which message types are logged:
Loglevel arguments
Includes the following message types:
information, warning, error, badkey, progress, summary
Use this option only if you do not want skip type messages.
Includes the following message types:
information, warning, error, badkey, progress, skip
Use this option only if you do not want summary type messages.
Includes the following message types:
information, warning, error, badkey, progress, summary, skip
Includes the following message types:
information, warning, error, badkey, progress, summary, skip, debug
Note: Only use this argument at the direction of Verity technical support or for troubleshooting indexing problems.
Includes the following message types:
information, warning, error, badkey, progress, summary, skip, debug, trace
Note: Only use this argument at the direction of Verity technical support or for troubleshooting indexing problems.
