Creates, registers, and administers Verity search engine collections.
A collection that is created with the cfcollection
tag is internal. A collection created any other way is external.
A collection that is registered with ColdFusion using the cfcollection
tag or registered with the K2 Server by editing the k2server.ini file is registered. Other collections are unregistered.
An internal collection can be created in these ways:
tag An external collection can be created using a native Verity indexing tool, such as Vspider or MKVDK.
<cfcollection action = "action" collection = "collection_name" path = "path_to_verity_collection" language = "language" name = "queryname" >
attribute is required.
attribute list
value is new. It is the default.action
attribute value map
. (ColdFusion detects collections and creates maps collections as required.)With this tag you can create, register a Verity collection and administer a collection that was created by ColdFusion or by a Verity application.
The following table shows the dependence relationships among this tag's attribute values:
For all action
values of this tag, use the cflock
tag to protect the collection during tag execution.
To register a collection with K2Server, you update the k2server.ini file.
Before you attempt to delete or purge a collection that is also opened by the K2Server, you must stop the K2Server. If you do not, some files may be open, and ColdFusion might not complete the action.
The list
action returns a result set that contains one row per collection:
You can also display this information in the Administrator, under Verity > Collections.
If the K2 Server is not running when the list
action is executed, the result set returned contains K2Server information that was current when the server became unavailable.
To determine whether a collection exists, use code such as the following, to execute a query of queries:
<cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfcollection action="list" name="myCollections" > </cflock> <cfquery name="qoq" dbtype="query"> select * from myCollections where = 'myCollectionName' </cfquery> <cfdump var = #qoq#>
To get a result set with values for all the collections that are registered with the ColdFusion and K2 servers, use code such as the following:
<cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfcollection action="list" name="myCollections"> </cflock> <cfoutput query="myCollections"> #name#<br> </cfoutput>
To add content to a collection, use cfindex. To search a collection, use cfsearch.
With the European Verity Locales language pack installed, the language
attribute of this tag supports the following options:
bokmal |
french |
norweg |
danish |
german |
portug |
dutch |
italian |
portuguese |
english |
nynorsk |
spanish |
finnish |
norwegian |
swedish |
With the Asian Verity Locales language pack installed, the language
attribute of this tag supports the following options:
arabic |
hungarian |
russian |
czech |
japanese |
simplified_chinese |
greek |
korean |
traditional_chinese |
hebrew |
polish |
turkish |
The default location of Verity collections is as follows:
<!--- for ACTION=UPDATE -----------------------------------------------> <!--- for ACTION=UPDATE, #1 (TYPE=FILE) (key is a filename) ----> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="update" type="file" key="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cfdocs\snippets\abs.cfm" urlpath="http://localhost/cfdocs/snippets" custom1="custom1" custom2="custom2" > <!--- for ACTION=UPDATE, #2 (TYPE=FILE) (key is a query result set column) ----> <cfquery name="bookquery" datasource="book"> select *from book where bookid='file' </cfquery> <cfoutput query="bookquery"> --#url#,#description#-- <br> </cfoutput> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="update" type="file" query="bookquery" key="description" urlpath="url"> <!--- for ACTION=UPDATE, #3 (TYPE=PATH) (extensions .htm, .html,.cfm,.cfml) ---> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="update" type="path" key="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cfdocs\snippets" urlpath="http://localhost/cfdocs/snippets" custom1="custom1" custom2="custom2" recurse="no" extensions=".htm, .html, .cfm, .cfml" > <!--- for ACTION=UPDATE, #4 (TYPE=PATH) (extensions are files with no extension) ----> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="update" type="path" key="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cfdocs\snippets" urlpath="http://localhost/cfdocs/snippets" custom1="custom1" custom2="custom2" recurse="no" extensions="*." > <!--- for ACTION=UPDATE, #5 (TYPE=PATH) (extensions are files with any extension) ----> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="update" type="path" key="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cfdocs\snippets" urlpath="http://localhost/cfdocs/snippets" custom1="custom1" custom2="custom2" recurse="no" extensions=".*"> <!--- for ACTION=UPDATE, #6 (TYPE=PATH) (where the key is a query result set column) ----> <cfquery name="bookquery" datasource="book"> select * from book where bookid='path1' or bookid='path2' </cfquery> <cfoutput query="bookquery"> --#url#,#description#-- <br> </cfoutput> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="update" type="path" query="bookquery" key="description" urlpath="url" > <!--- for ACTION=UPDATE, #7 (TYPE=CUSTOM) ----> <cfquery name="book" datasource="book"> select * from book </cfquery> <cfindex collection="custom_book" action="update" type="custom" body="description" key="bookid" query="book"> <!--- for ACTION=REFRESH-----------------------------------------------> <!--- ACTION=REFRESH, #1 (TYPE=FILE) ----> <cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="Refresh" type="file" key="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cfdocs\snippets\abs.cfm" urlpath="http://localhost/" custom1="custom1" custom2="custom2" > </cflock> <!--- ACTION=REFRESH, #2 (TYPE=PATH) ----> <cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="refresh" type="path" key="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cfdocs\snippets" urlpath="http://localhost/cfdocs/snippets/" custom1="custom1" custom2="custom2" recurse="yes" extensions=".htm,.html,.cfm,.cfml" > </cflock> <!--- ACTION=REFRESH, #3 (TYPE=CUSTOM) ----> <cfquery name="book" datasource="book"> select * from book </cfquery> <cfindex collection="custom_book" action="refresh" type="custom" body="description" key="bookid" query="book"> <!--- for ACTION=DELETE-----------------------------------------------> <!--- ACTION=DELETE, #1 (TYPE=FILE) ----> <cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="delete" key="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cfdocs\snippets\abs.cfm" > </cflock> <!--- ACTION=DELETE, #2 (TYPE=FILE) (the key is a query result set column) ----> <cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfquery name="book" datasource="book"> select * from book where bookid='file' </cfquery> <cfoutput query="book"> --#description#-- <br> </cfoutput> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="delete" type="file" query="book" key="description" > </cflock> <!--- ACTION=DELETE, #3 (TYPE=PATH) ----> <cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="delete" type="path" key="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cfdocs\snippets" extensions=".cfm" recurse="no"> </cflock> <!--- ACTION=DELETE, #4 (TYPE=PATH) (key is a query result set column) ----> <cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfquery name="bookquery" datasource="book"> select * from book where bookid='path1' </cfquery> <cfoutput query="bookquery"> --#url#,#description#-- <br> </cfoutput> <cfindex collection="snippets" action="delete" type="path" query="bookquery" key="description" > </cflock> <!--- ACTION=DELETE, #5 (TYPE=CUSTOM) ----> <cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfquery name="book" datasource="book"> select * from book where bookid='bookid1' </cfquery> <cfindex collection="custom_book" action="delete" type="custom" query="book" key="bookid" > </cflock> <!--- for ACTION=PURGE-----------------------------------------------> <cflock name="verity" timeout="60"> <cfindex action="purge" collection="snippets"> </cflock>