Creates and manipulates a Component Object Model (COM) object. Invokes a registered automation server object type.
For information on OLEView, and about COM and DCOM, see the Microsoft OLE Development web site:
To use this tag, you must provide the object's program ID or filename, the methods and properties available through the IDispatch interface, and the arguments and return types of the object's methods. For most COM objects, you can get this information with the OLEView utility.
Note: On UNIX, this tag does not support COM objects.
<cfobject type = "com" action = "action" class = "program_ID" name = "text" context = "context" server = "server_name">
<h3>cfobject (COM) Example</h3> <!--- Create a COM object as an inproc server (DLL). (class = prog-id)---> <cfobject action = "Create" type = "COM" class = Allaire.DocEx1.1 name = "obj"> <!--- Call a method. Methods that expect no arguments should be called using empty parentheses. ---> <cfset obj.Init()> <!--- This is a collection object. It should support, at a minimum: Property : Count Method : Item(inarg, outarg) and a special property called _NewEnum ---> <cfoutput> This object has #obj.Count# items. <br> <HR> </cfoutput> <!--- Get the 3rd object in the collection. ---> <cfset emp = obj.Item(3)> <cfoutput> The last name in the third item is #emp.lastname#. <br> <HR> </cfoutput> <!---Loop over all the objects in the collection.---> <p>Looping through all items in the collection: <br> <cfloop collection = #obj# item = file2> <cfoutput>Last name: #file2.lastname# <br></cfoutput> </cfloop>